Monday, October 20, 2014

Catch up time!

So it's been awhile but a few things are up.......we did it! I'm almost 18 weeks pregnant with a little boy! Me and my husband are super psyched but super careful since it is high risk due to age and epilepsy. So far everything looks good, he's even longer than average length at this time so everything is well!

I worked as a TSS for about a month and half and wasn't able to take any jobs in the summer due to health reasons. One thing I've found out about being a counselor in this state is that you're kind of trapped right after graduation. You can't be state licensed without 2 years of post-graduate experience AND 3500 hundred work hours with supervision. So I can't get a job without a license but I can't Not to mention the majority of jobs require certification and/or drivers license and car or are in remote places that I can't get to due to the fact that I can't drive for health reasons. So I'm really fuckin trapped!

I've had this epilepsy the majority of my life and literally survived until I was past the age of 30 with no problems. Why is it that the one career I truly want and worked my ass off for requires something I have no control of? If that's not fair, I really don't know what is.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Blah blah

I feel restless.....staying home and waiting for my "job offer" to actually start is driving me nuts. So far I've been doing everything, training, appointments, meetings, when do I fucking start work so I can make money? AAaaahhhhhh.....

I can't stand not having things to do. Even my husband picks up on my feeling if I have nothing to do with my life. I've always been goal-oriented where if I can't make it, I feel useless. Not always a good feeling but hey, I'm here for a reason right? Damn....